TBS$B%F%l%S(B60$B<~G/FCJL4k2h!X%l%C%I%/%m%9(B $B!A=w$?$A$N@V;f!A!Y(B
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$B%J!<%9%^%^!?=w@-(B 2015.8.3 (Mon) 23:23
KEI$B!?CK@-(B (44) 2015.8.3 (Mon) 23:02
$B$N$\$k!?=w@-(B (63) 2015.8.3 (Mon) 22:36
I have posted three messages in this homepage but I really need to post a fourth one. I would like to congratulate the TBS TV for making an inspiring and sensational dorama. Although the audience rating did not do this dorama justice, it did touch the hearts of those who watched it.
I have been a Nanako$B!G(Bs fan for ten years and I know very well how good her acting is. Yet, I was stunned by her performance in this dorama, especially in the scenes which $B4uBe(Blooked for $BGn?M(Bat the train station, $BCf@n(B $BOK$5$s(B and$BBgC]0e;U(B died and $B4uBe(B reunited with $BGn?M(Bafter many years. Nanako$B!G(Bs heartfelt acting really made me cry my heart out. This is the best drama I have seen in years.
Finally, I would to thank you the staff and cast again for your hard work. I knew the dorama making process was very tough, however, you all should be very proud. The script, location, photography, acting, soundtrack and theme song are all great which make this dorama a classic.
I hope the TBS TV will a produce a DVD for this special dorama with special features including the making of clips and photo album.
P.S. I forgot to mention in my previous messages, I really enjoy reading $B$*$K$C$-(B. Thank you$B^ILnB@O:(B $B$5$s(B for the very interesting diary, especially the behind the scenes and food photos.
Nanako's fan$B!?=w@-(B (33) 2015.8.3 (Mon) 22:26
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$B$$$A$4!?=w@-(B (18) 2015.8.3 (Mon) 21:22
aaaaya$B!?=w@-(B (21) 2015.8.3 (Mon) 21:03
$B$f$"!?=w@-(B (22) 2015.8.3 (Mon) 20:52
$B@V==;z$N9bn2$JM}G0$K=`$8$F@8$-$F$$$C$?$@$1$KH`=w$?$A$O:#$N=w@-$?$A$h$j$b=w$i$7$/$FH~$7$/8+$($k!#(B RAMZEI$B!?CK@-(B (50) 2015.8.3 (Mon) 20:27
$B$?$@$N%P%$%H!?=w@-(B (20) 2015.8.3 (Mon) 20:08
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