DigiCon6 ASIA 第20回に寄せて
このコンテストに関わった最初の2人の思いが、今もDigiCon6 ASIAを支えています。
素敵なクリエイター達が集う素敵な Awards から素敵なエネルギーをいっぱいもらい、ホント感謝感謝!!です。
初代フェスティバルディレクター 山口泰広
"It is the dawn of the Asian era!"
"Let' s discover and train creators that will play a global role!"
With these thoughts we began with our sights focused on Asia. We visited embassies, travelled abroad and sought out connections. We mulled about the terms for submissions. In the end, we concluded with a broad outline, that it should be a short film contest with no specific conditions about the genre. The films grew increasingly sophisticated with each competition. There were live action films and animations drawn with colorful imagination. We experienced many rich encounters. Some of the creators have gone on to carve careers in this field, and it gives us much joy to have been a witness to a major turning point in their lives. We gained a lot of energy from the awards ceremony, a venue that has attracted so many talented creators. We are very, very grateful to have had this opportunity!!
YAMAGUCHI Yasuhiro First Festival Director
18年目第20回を今年で迎えるTBS Digicon6はその足跡とこれまで時代の変化が重なり合い
絶えずTBS Digicon6が未来への道標であり続けることを切に願っております。
イアリン・ジャパン 取締役 / プロデューサー
笠島 久嗣
DigiCon6 in its current form was launched in 2000, the start of a new era. The digital revolution has extended to a wide range of areas. It was the start of a whirlwind period of programming and the Internet. Computer graphics was just shifting from a nascent period to a period of growth. It was an exciting time when pixel dots provided the means of new ways of expression. We saw the emergence of PCs -- that could do the work of workstations that once cost millions of yen -- now available at less than half the cost. This marked the dawn of an era when the individual could produce his or her own films. The speed at which new technology developed also led to a swing in the pendulum where analog technology was lauded vis-à-vis digitalization in terms of visual expression. Then we have the installation art, AI and various art forms changing and merging in a cycle. The changes have been so rapid and dramatic that today defining the visual media has become difficult because of its limitless boundaries. This year DigiCon6 ASIA marks its 18th year and its 20th competition. We believe DigiCon6 ASIA’s history matches those of this age and its values as an important film competition increases. Passion and universality form the core of any period. It is what brings us new surprises and discoveries. It is what provides us with hints of what to look for in an evolving era. The future is opaque, and forecasting the outlook is certain to become more difficult. It is DigiCon6 ASIA’s fervent wish to serve as a constant signpost for young creators and others that have their sights set on the era.
KASAJIMA Hisatsugu Eallin Japan Co.,Ltd. Director / Producer