Promoting Environmentally-Friendly
Sustainable Content Production
Water resource protection and usage reductions
TBS Group water resource protection and usage reduction initiatives
◼Broadcast Center, Midoriyama Studio, Akasaka Biz Tower, etc.
During heavy rains, rainwater is temporarily stored in the basement of the Broadcast Center building before slowly being drained, thereby reducing the load on the surrounding water infrastructure. Rainwater that falls on the rooftops of mid-rise and low-rise buildings is stored in rainwater tanks beneath the buildings and reused as reclaimed water. We are making other efforts to reduce water usage, for example with the installation of water-saving flush valves in the building's toilets.
The Midoriyama Studio temporarily stores rainwater in a reservoir to avoid sudden water discharges, while its toilets are equipped with water saving devices. Water-permeable pavement has been laid throughout Toyosu’s IHI Stage Around Tokyo. In addition, as it is located in a separate sewage system zone, rainwater and sewage are separated before the water is discharged.
At Akasaka Biz Tower, rainwater and general drainage are reused as reclaimed water.◼The StylingLife Group’s Shizuoka Product Center
Groundwater quality surveys are conducted at two locations (one location each year), showing stable results (Environmental Quality Standards for Groundwater Pollution: compliant). In addition, groundwater sampling volume reports are submitted to the authorities every year and have been accepted without any problems.TBS Group business activities in areas under water stress
As of March 2023, the TBS Group conducts no business activities in areas where there are water stress concerns, according to the World Resources Institute’s (WRI) Aqueduct surveys. Our primary area of operation, Japan, has been identified as an area with “Low-Medium” water risk, which means that water stress is relatively low in this region.
Reports of actions toward environment
Target setting and results aimed at achieving zero carbon emissions
- Promoting the use of renewable energies
- Information disclosures related to climate change measures based on TCFD
- Initiatives to reduce CO2 emissions
Promoting environmentally-friendly sustainable content production
- The effective use of limited resources
- The first commercial broadcaster in Japan to obtain albert certification
- Water resource protection and usage reductions
Enhancing measures for biodiversity preservation