Our Vision & Goals

Sustainability Finance

We established sustainability finance framework and finance arrangements.

  •  In order to promote sustainability management and further strengthen efforts to realize a sustainable society, sustainability finance framework was established in September 2024. TBS group will be utilizing this framework for finance arrangements.

  • Backgrounds and Objectives

      As one of Japan's leading news media, TBS group has a broad responsibility for the sustainability of the earth, society, and our own company. The six most important issues (materialities) set out for the realization and achievement of "TBS Group VISION2030" and "TBS Group Medium-Term Management Plan 2026" take into consideration the solution of environmental and social issues.

    Considering the materiality related to environment, "Delivering wonderful “moments” to all the lives on earth," we will accelerate our efforts to achieve carbon neutrality, aiming renewable energy ratio 100% for the entire group by fiscal year 2026.

    Considering the materiality related to social, "Fulfilling our social mission as a media group," we will strengthen our capabilities to broadcast information in the event of a disaster and also work on sustainable urban development in the Akasaka Entertainment City plan.

    The establishment of this framework will contribute to financial arrangements necessary for these measures and promote our efforts.

  • About Sustainability Finance Framework

     The framework is based on the Sustainability Bond Guidelines published by the International Capital Market Association (ICMA), etc., and includes policies on 1) usage of funds raised, 2) project evaluation and selection process, 3) management of funds raised, and 4) reporting. In addition, we have obtained an external evaluation (second party opinion) from Rating and Investment Information, Inc. (R&I) regarding our compliance with the principles of the Sustainability Bond Guidelines, etc. For more information, please see below.

  • Situation of Finance Arrangements and Usage of the Funds

    Type of finance arrangementSustainability loan
    Agreement dateSeptember 2024
    Usage of fundsConstruction expenses, etc., related to development of Akasaka 2nd an 6th district
    Agreed amountTotal 70 billion yen, committed term loan
    Loan execution dateAfter October 2024
    LenderSumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation, The Bank of Yokohama, Ltd., Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank, Limited

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