Nations, companies and individuals must unite and initiate actions to achieve the SDGs targets.
As “Partnerships for the Goals” being one of the SDGs, what are the actions being taken by TBS?
This section introduces partnerships created by TBS.
Membership in the UN SDG Media Compact
The United Nations launched the SDG Media Compact in 2018 to recognize the essential role media and entertainment companies have in addressing the worldwide social issues advocated by the SDGs.
Since joining the UN SDG Media Compact in August 2019, TBS has been actively broadcasting the current state and ways to resolve climate change, poverty, human rights, and other SDG-related issues from many different angles, through campaigns such as the “WEEK to Make the Earth Smile”, news, information programs, and also entertainment programs. As a result, António Guterres, UN Secretary General, praised these efforts and agreed to a one-on-one interview in November 2020. In September 2021, Under-Secretary-General of the UN Environment Programme, Inger Andersen, also engaged in a dialogue with Anne Watanabe, an actress who starred in “Japan Sinks,” a television drama emphasizing environmental issues. These are a few examples of SDGs actions coordinated with the United Nations.
In November 2021, JNN became the first television network in Japan to have all of its 28 media companies complete the process for membership in the SDG Media Compact. We look forward to further strengthening cooperation throughout the entire network. -
Participation in the United Nations Climate Campaign
The TBS Group participated in the “SDG Media Compact Promise of 1.5°C: Act now to stop global warming” campaign, which is a call for detailed actions intending to stop climate change. United Nations Information Centre, Tokyo invited approximately 170 SDG Media Compact members in Japan to participate in the campaign, which was held in conjunction with the General Assembly of the United Nations and the 27th Conference of the Parties (COP27) between September and November 2022 as a month of intensive discussion about climate change action.
TBS followed suit by calling on action against climate change through various news and television programs. -
SDGs WEEK Partner Companies
WEEK to Make the Earth Smile Partnerships
Numerous partner companies actively engage in the SDGs to make this campaign possible. These partners put aside competitive exclusions to share their actions and address social issues through television programs in the hope this collaboration will contribute to the SDGs.