Our Vision & Goals

Six Materialities

We announced materialities (key issues) to achieve our vision and goals.

  •  "TBS Group Materiality" was announced in May 2022 based on our group's corporate philosophy and brand promise, as significant issues that are essential to address in order to realize the "EDGE" strategy set out in VISION 2030 and promote ESG management. We have also defined specific targets for each materiality. By continuing efforts to address these key issues, we will create and deliver wonderful “moments” that move hearts and minds, as highlighted in the TBS Brand Promise.

    Creating globally beloved original content

    • Enhance planning and development, marketing, and other abilities with the Creative Engine FUNNEL Model for content IPs enhancement
    • Invest in EDGE strategy to elevate content IPs to timeless value
    • Recruit human resources and build a distribution network for a strong first year of global business

    Delivering wonderful “moments” to everyone we work with

    • Recruit 300 mid-career employees in "expand" areas by FY2026
    • Expand human resources development program and improve internal environment for developing world-class "ambidextrous creators"
    • Reform HR system for success "Bet on passion, pay for performance"

    Innovating work through the development and utilization of technology

    • Work on open innovation to achieve multi-layering of human resources through partnerships in technology and design
    • Provide venues to experience new value offered by developed technologies and designs. Bring technologies and services to society to increase competitiveness

    Delivering wonderful “moments” to all the lives on earth

    • Achieve a group-wide renewable energy ratio of 100% by 2026 (CO2 emissions 50% lower than 2022)
    • Calculate Scope 3 emission for six core companies + SLH. Create a roadmap for carbon neutrality by 2050

    Fulfilling our social mission as a media group

    • Use all platforms to disseminate information for the protection of life
    • Establish an Investigative News Department for self-led coverage of hidden issues
    • Collaborate with members of the JNN Network to sustain and strengthen our nationwide news network

    Strengthening governance as a responsible company

    • Perform human rights due diligence to prevent and reduce negative impacts on human rights in the supply chain
    • Effective redress in the event of violations of human rights
    • Increase employees' awareness of themselves as human rights as content disseminators

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