DigiCon6 ASIA

DigiCon6 ASIA


JAPAN Awards 「ひかりTV賞」新設



第18回DigiCon6 ASIA Awards開催に際し、新たに「ひかりTV賞」を設け、優れたキャラクターが活躍する日本の作品を顕彰することになりました。


A new award has been added to the 18th DigiCon6 ASIA Awards. This is the “Hikari TV Award.”
The aim of the award is to give recognition to a Japanese work that showcases a superior character.
The work that wins this prize will not only be shown on Hikari TV, but the character in the work may also be introduced by NTT Plala Inc. in its future services, such as anime and games.



DigiCon6 ASIA 事務局 〒107-8006 東京都港区赤坂5-3-6
電話: 03-3505-0661 受付時間: 10:00〜18:00(土・日・祝祭日を除く) e-mail: info2024@digicon6.com

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