東日本大震災13年 Nスタ つなぐ、つながるSP~いのち~

Share stories, Save Lives.

About #ShareStories311

We are inviting people around the world to post on social media with the hashtag #ShareStories311;
-Photos of things that capture your memories of the disaster and the story behind them
-Memories of visiting Tohoku as a volunteer
-Lessons you learned through the disaster
-Photos of items or debris from Japan you found washed up on the shore by the massive tsunami
Selected posts will be showcased on the page #つながるおもい(TsunagaruOmoi) of the project’s official website, to create a collective digital gallery.

Why we need your post?

With memories fading over time, the objective of this collective effort will be to capture memories of the disaster and preserve them for the future.
The goal is to share memories and lessons learnt with people outside of Japan, especially around the vulnerable Pacific Rim, in hopes we can prepare together for disaster prevention in the future.
Earthquakes and tsunamis are a problem faced not only by Japan, but all around the Pacific Rim and other countries. This collective digital gallery has the potential to contribute to an international approach to addressing the issue. By connecting people across generations and borders through their stories, we hope to help save lives in the future. That is the ultimate goal of this project.
Your stories could possibly save lives in the future.

How to post to "#ShareStories311"

Please post photos of special items and thoughts related to the Great East Japan Earthquake with the hashtag #ShareStories311 on any social media platform. We may take the liberty of posting your message on the official project website.
