2018 DigiCon6 JAPANへのご応募ありがとうございました。
第20回 DigiCon6 ASIA、日本の一般部門は7月末で作品募集を締め切り、第一次審査を終えました。
DigiCon6 JAPANの各賞は、さらなる審査を経て、10月13日(土)に、東京都写真美術館ホールの授賞式にて発表されます。
The deadline for submitting works for the general section of the 20th DigiCon6 ASIA competition in Japan closed at the end of July. The first round of screening has been completed.
In Japan a total of 244 works were submitted, up a sharp 60 percent from the previous year. Of these 60 percent were animation, and 40 percent live-action films.
The average age of the creators was 29, the oldest 64 and the youngest 19. The films were on average 6 minutes and 27 seconds in length.
After a preliminary review, the first round of screening was held on August 31 at TBS. 45 works were chosen for the next round, and steps to inform the creators have started.
The deadline for sending in works for the Youth section in Japan closed on August 31, and judging has started.
We would like to thank all the creators for their great works.
After another round of screening, the various winners of the Japan awards will be announced on October 13, Saturday at the Tokyo Photographic Art Museum in Ebisu.