

モデルから女優へ転身。テレビ、舞台、司会などでも幅広く活躍、2000年香港・米合作映画『SPY_N(原題CHINA STRIKE FORCE)』で海外映画デビュー。
その後、日本赤十字社の赤十字広報特使として各国を歴訪、2004年にはアナン元国連事務総長に表敬訪問、2006年には自らが東ティモールで撮影した写真展を国連本部で展示するなど、海外での活躍が評価され、2008年世界経済フォーラム(ダボス会議)のYoung Global Leadersに選出される。
また、自ら率いるNPO「Smile Please☆世界子ども基金」を通じて、アフガニスタンやカンボジアでの学校建設など、日本を含めた世界の子供たちの教育サポートを継続。その功績が認められ2013年「NIKKEI Social Initiative Award」を受賞するなど、公私ともにワールドワイドに活躍中。2015年夏はミュージカル「南太平洋(South Pacific)」に主演し、全国ツアーが決定している。

Born in Hyogo, Norika Fujiwara came to national attention when she won Grand Prize at the 24th Miss Nippon Contest while still a college student in Kobe, Hyogo. Following the Han-Shin Awaji Earthquake disaster that hit the area, she moved to Tokyo, where she has been working since then.
After a successful career as a fashion model, Norika has become an actress and has been active in a variety of scenes, including performances on TV and theater stages, as well as MCs. In 2000, she made a foreign-movie debut, appearing in “China Strike Force” (known in Japan as “Spy N”), a co-production of Hong Kong and the US.
Upon the Year of Japan-Korea National Exchange in 2002, she was appointed Japan-Korea Goodwill Ambassador, the first of such to be officially recognized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The same year, Norika has embarked on the still-running project of holding charity photo exhibitions throughout Japan to raise awareness of the status quo in Afghanistan. Since then, she has visited a number of countries as Japanese Red Cross Society's Goodwill Ambassador. In 2004, she made a courtesy call on the then UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan, and in 2006, she opened an exhibition at the UN headquarter of photos she had taken in East Timor. For these worldwide activities, she was chosen as one of the Young Global Leaders at the World Economic Forum (Davos Meeting) of 2008.
Norika continues to provide unending educational support to needy children in Japan and other countries, e.g., construction of schools in Afghanistan and Cambodia, via her NPO “Smile Please – World Children Fund”. Her achievements have led her to receive the NIKKEI Social Initiative Award in 2013, and she is currently playing active roles throughout the world in both the public and the private.
In Summer 2015, Norika will star in a musical “South Pacific” and launch a nation-wide tour of Japan.